(Originally posted October 19, 2010)
Today is my birthday (pause for uproarious applause). I just don't think you should ever outgrow excitement about your birthday. And my sweet husband reminded me this morning that “36” is the new “34”. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm going to take it as encouragement.
And as with every birthday, I'm thinking a lot about what the next year or two or thirty-six will hold. God has graciously given me a new number to work with, so what am I going to do with it?
This past Friday, I got to be part of a luncheon announcing the new Art House Dallas. (arthouseamerica.com) This organization (really more of a family) is focused on encouraging artists and art-lovers in their faith, in their work, and in living creative lives that are concerned about the things that Jesus is concerned about. I love this! Creative-types affecting change! Almost scary, huh?
So that's got me thinking about what this new year of life should be about.
I read just this morning in John 18:19-21 some eye-opening words. In this passage, Jesus is on trial, being questioned by the powers that be about His teachings. Jesus matter-of-factually says in verse 21, “Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.”
But DO WE? It was a piercing thought today. Those of us who claim to be Christ-followers, do we really know what He has said to the lost world? Can we reiterate it in speech and, even more importantly, in action? If we're not truly in the Word, in constant connection with God through prayer, how can we know how to be witnesses of a Savior to a dying world?
Would my Lord be able to point to me and say, “Just ask her. She knows.”?
Just like Jesus' words, even today God wants His children to be the demonstration of His power, grace, and truth. That's our part in His Story, and we join the many generations that have gone before us in that same holy pursuit.
That's what I want from myself throughout this new year. I want each day to be less “ME-o-centric” and to become consumed with the things that matter to Jesus. I want to participate in this abundant life that we have been given and to be about Kingdom business right here and now. I want my part in the Story to well-played.
Even in my weaknesses, I am comforted to know that God can do amazing things with those who are willing to allow His transformation of their everyday existence. That is the ultimate lifelong gift.
(But on a more tangible note, since it IS my birthday, a little cheesecake would also be nice.) :o)
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