Thursday, March 28, 2013

For the Love of Words and To-Do Lists

(Beware:  Somewhat mediocre home project pictures ahead.)

I loooooove words.  I do!  You can just ask anyone who's conversed with (or avoided conversation with) yours truly.  I come by it honestly -- I remember my grandpa profusely entertaining visitors over dinner, walking them out of the house still talking, walking them to their car still talking, asking them to roll down the window so he could finish his story as they backed out of the driveway . . . you get the idea.  An abundance of words is a family tradition.  At this point, I should point out what a wonderful fella I married in that he endures all those words with kindness and almost never falls asleep when I'm on a roll with an idea.  The kids have inherited my disease superpower, as well.  Why am I telling you this -- you already know it, and I'm already getting long-winded on what is supposed to be a short post.  Oy!

One more thing, I'm a sucker for a to-do list.  I've been known to add extra things to the list AFTER I've done them just so I can check them off.  C'mon, I know some of you have done this, too.  I need that encouragement and focus to get things done.  Constant reminders are good, and apparently necessary, for me.

Anyway, I say allllll that just to say that I firmly believe that words have power.  It was the words of our God that spoke the whole of creation into being.  Seriously powerful words!  As Image-bearers, we also hold power in our words.  Isn't that what we teach our kids -- to use their words wisely, to build up and never to tear down?

So really long story short, we're incorporating some powerful words into our decor at home in the hopes of inspiring goodness and beauty in our family and in those who pass through our doors.  (Props to Pinterest, of course, for all the how-to blogs that helped give these little projects legs).  Quick disclaimer:  Yes, my house is over-decorated.  We like color and "art".  That's just how we roll in the Hilde-crib.  :)  So here goes:

The welcome sign and the first sight inside the entry:

Words from Mother Teresa, the whole quote goes something like "We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love."  So that's the assignment for each of us as soon as we walk though the front door -- to do those small things for one another with some big, BIG love.  Within our walls, love in all things, no matter how small the activity.

Next . . . 
Once inside, we seek to encourage peace:  Shalom -- in big silvery letters, no less.  The Hebrew word implies not only physical peace, but a spiritual calm, peace with man and with our Maker.  That's our to-do once inside the home:  PEACE (although usually not quiet :)  ).  I'm just now noticing that "A" is a little askew -- gotta fix that.

Don't let the door hit ya . . .
Finally, the last assignment:  "Love God.  Love People" when headed out the front door,   As Jesus stated, these are the two greatest commandments and our family's intended focus when we leave the sweet little hub of love and shalom at home to enter the mean ole world.  Love God, love people.  A tough one to check off the list at times, but so very necessary.

Just a few words.  Just a simple way to "speak" truth and encouragement for good living into ourselves.  We need it -- EVERYday!  It's kind of like the whole Old Testament philosophy of writing truth on your doorposts.  It's always there, right in your face, inescapable, to remind you -- so the truth of God's words are impressed on the deepest part of us. 

And also, full disclosure, I stink at painting or drawing actual objects, so I really do need to stick to words if I'm doing the decor myself.  :)

Does your family have some words "on the doorposts"?  Let's hear 'em.


1 comment:

  1. The signs you made are great, love them! I'm always drawn to signs that say FAMILY or SIMPLIFY. Simplify has been my motto over the past few years. :)
