It's been a while since I've updated. I really love having a place to, well, PLACE my thoughts and musings, but I've been a little lax lately. It happens, I suppose.
A lot of life stuff has happened in the past seven months. The kids have been busy growing. A whirlwind, super-hot summer came and (finally) went. We finished recording, mixed, and released a new song collection -- that's been fun. We celebrated grace and salvation as our middle child gave her life to Jesus. And we are now walking through a valley after losing my mom unexpectedly. Lots of highs and lows, yet we know God is still on the throne through it all. His hand is still at work, even when we struggle to understand just how.
Writing of any kind has not come easily lately, although lots of thoughts have been birthed . . . and then shelved for a later, more clear-minded time. Everything seems a little jumbled now, but as we approach this special time of year, I am praying for greater clarity. I am with each moment reminded of my Savior -- of His joys and triumphs, of His concerns and heartaches. "Emmanuel". "God with us" has never meant more. He walked this world, loved and laughed, cried and empathized and mourned and consoled and loved some more. Whether in triumph or tragedy, He never lost sight of His mission, of the call. My brother, my friend, my Lord knows. He knows -- and I love that! I need that.
For now, we anticipate the upcoming days with mixed emotions. There will be tears, I'm sure, but laughter, too. And prayers will be said for so many close to us and around the world who are struggling in the juxtaposition of celebration and sorrow. Let us rest in this constant: He is, He was, He is to come. Let us hold to the promise of beauty from ashes; of the future reconciliation; and of never-ending, death-swallowing LOVE . . . always hold on to love, for it is how God defines Himself. It is how we, too, are to be defined in Him.
Love and peace to you this season.
Merry Christmas.