My kids have become obsessed with the “slug-bug” game. As we drive, they are constantly on the look out for Volkswagen Beetles. Always trying to outdo each other, the game has evolved into “Cruiser bruiser” and “Jeep-er peeper”. And it gets really loud! Somehow they think it's not unsafe for me to be driving along and suddenly be pelted in the back of the head with three shrill “SLUG BUG!”'s simultaneously (followed, of course, by “Jinx. You owe me a soda! Jinx. You owe me a soda! . . .”) You get the idea.
Of course, they think I'm terrible at this game, because I never notice any of the vehicles before they do. Um, hello? My eyes are on the road, kids. I'm trying to keep us all in one piece here! I'm seeking safe travel, and they're seeking to one-up a brother or sister. Wow, I'm starting to sound like an adult. Oh well. . .
The moral of the story: You tend to find what you're looking for.
In my study the past few days, I've been reading about events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. In Mark's gospel, chapter14, the end of verse 1, “the chief priests and the teachers of the law were LOOKING for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill Him.” Enter Judas--one of the Twelve closest to Jesus. These Jewish leaders found what they were looking for. Then in verse eleven, Judas begins to LOOK for a chance to betray Jesus and hand Him over. As we know, Judas found what he was looking for too.
But I think it's interesting that the Greek word used for what the leaders and Judas were both selfishly and deviously doing (looking) is literally translated “seeking.” The same word Jesus uses in the Sermon on the Mount:
“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness . . .” (Matthew 6:33)
“. . .seek and you will find . . .” (Matthew 7:7)
In this case, the LOOKING being done is for something holy, something so much higher than just what I want, something perfectly eternal and completely fulfilling. So, again, what we find in life depends a great deal on what we SEEK and where our eyes are focused. Having spent a huge chunk of my life with my spiritual eyes darkened and my life pointed in the wrong direction, I can testify. When I seek darkness, I find it in droves. But when I seek God, He's there . . . every time.
There's an old hymn that says “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” It's very true.
And just like with the slug-bug game, you don't know how easy it is to find the thing you're looking for until you're, well, looking. I estimate there are at least 1.5 million Beetles and PT Cruisers in our town. Okay, it just seems that way at least! And I never knew there were so many until we started looking for them.
If we seek God each day, He will point out to us just as many opportunities to know Him. And thankfully there's no ear-piercing “It's a GOD THING!” scream necessary in this game, although sharing is certainly encouraged. So, just keep looking, seeking. You'll find Him every time.
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